Monday, November 12, 2007

Living A Healthy Life: Simple, Simple, Simple!

Eating your fruits and vegetables everyday is fantastic, but it takes more than that to be able to call yourself healthy. Most of the definitions I found for the word healthy referred to the aforementioned health of the body and more importantly, the health of the mind. Without the mind, the body could not function, but without a healthy body, a healthy mind is useless. So, lets discuss different parts of ourselves and how we can make them healthy or healthier. :)

Eating the Right Foods For Your Body Type -Lets face it, not everyone can survive on the same diet. That's why there is so many of them! A good tip to remember when dieting is that you don't have to stick to a diet verbatim. I know that to many of my diet-freaks out there, this is the same as "cheating". But, in reality it's not. What works for you might not work for me, and that is why, if we choose a diet, pick one that's best for you, not the one that helped Kirstie Alley or Dan Marino.

Distracting Yourself from Everyday Monotony-The mind needs a break. Take a break. Go away. If you can't afford a vacation, close your eyes, lay down, and just let time pass for a few minutes. I've done this plenty of times before when I've been feeling a bit stressed and broke. I guarantee that if you do this you will at least feel a little refreshed or at least refreshed enough to hold you over to the time when you can afford that vacation.

Eliminating the Negativity From Your Life-If there is anything I've learned over the past few years of my life, it has to be that if something is affecting you in a negative way, you have to change it. The longer you let these feelings, people, or anything else affect you negatively, the worse it is going to make you feel. Many times, we don't notice if we have someone in our life that is having a negative effect on us until we sit back and really analyze people. Over the past few years many people have walked (or been shown the exit) out of my life. At first, I was hurt, but then I realized that I actually felt better without them being in my life. My reason for this feeling is that you never miss something that was bad for you. Would you miss and illness that suddenly left your body? Would you miss someone who was only pretending to be your friend? Surround yourself by people who maintain a positive outlook on life. Think optimistically not pessimistically.

With this, I'm opening up the floor to you all. I have tons of other little tidbits to share on life, but I don't want to drag or get too lengthy here. So, please, let me know what tips you all can share on living a HEALTHY life. And remember, Smile, Laugh, and Love!


Anonymous said...

As long as you can wake up in the morning, keep moving throughout the day for approximately 14 to 16 hours, of cours not feeling tired, or taking a nap, you are doing something right. May it be eating right, being positive on life, and being around positive people, that is a way of being healthy. Now if you cannot last for 16 hours, without lying down and taking a nap, you may have to rethink on how you are spending your mind, energy and mouth on!

Victor Castro said...

On eating::: eat small portions of food every 3 hours (easier said than done). Don't EVER mention when you go on a diet.

On monotony::: read the paper. get involved in your school/community. attend art festivals, in the beginnig it's good to go by yourself, good for the soul.

Negativety::: we tend to hover around negativity. remember, "negativty breeds negativity". it takes an extremely positive person to push away the tainted stuff (if they ever notice). so if you find yourself eating the bad things, doing the same stuff and having a lousy attitude, look at your surroundings.

Compliment at least 3 people a day.
Smile to strangers... also wave.
Talk to the elderly.
Family Family Family.
Do what you love.
Remember the positive.
Stop saying you are tired.

Don't sweat the small stuff!